Percentage of wins in wot. How to increase the efficiency and percentage of victories in World of tanks? Returning to the sandbox to raise your win %

5 years and 7 months ago Comments: 20


Today we will talk about raising statistics in the World of Tanks - why it is needed and how to do it. We all want to fight in good platoons, play in well-played, experienced companies, join the top ones, participate in battles on the Global Map, capture provinces, and get in-game gold for this. Of course, there are people who just want to show off their achievements in the game to friends, relatives and so on. But not everything is so simple. After all, for all this you need excellent account statistics.

Account statistics consists of three positions - the overall percentage of wins, (performance rating), and the number of battles.

There are several formulas for calculating the performance rating. We will consider only one formula, which is conventionally designated "eff" (Efficiency). This formula appeared before all the others, so we will consider only it. It includes:
-medium damage;
-average number of frags;
-average number of exposed players;
-average base capture points;
-average base defense points.

Calculation formula:

DAMAGE * (10 / (TIER + 2)) * (0.21 + 3*TIER / 100) + FRAGS * 250 + SPOT * 150 + log (CAP + 1) / log(1.732) * 150 + DEF * 150

  • DAMAGE - medium damage
  • FRAGS - average number of frags
  • SPOT - average number of exposed players
  • CAP - Average Capture Points
  • DEF - average number of defense points

Before you is a table of efficiency rating in battle (COP):

Well, well, what good statistics are for - we have sorted it out. Now let's see how to make it like this!

Many experienced water players, such as Gleborg, Maracasi, have made at least one video on the topic: “ How to increase the percentage of wins and efficiency in World of Tanks". There they told how they achieved their highest account statistics results. I will tell you how to do it.

I must say right away that you will not succeed in having a high percentage of wins playing solo (alone). Therefore, you will need a platoon, preferably of three people including you. Even if all three of them have bad statistics, then there are more chances to drag and win than when playing solo, since you can perform well-coordinated actions, talk, three of us, defend ... And plus, playing with comrades is much more fun, and therefore the mood will be better!

Go to your hangar -> Tab " Achievements» -> Tab « Technique» -> Sort by percentage of wins. There, look for tanks from level 6 with the highest percentage of wins and average damage.

Take this tank, set yourself up for a bend and go into battle in a platoon, in a good mood. Work in each battle to the maximum, stuff as much damage as possible per battle. If possible, capture the enemy base and defend your own. I think that's understandable, but anyway, I'll say:
1)NEVER do not go alone to the flank, without support;
2) Never merge at the beginning of a fight;
3) Playing as a platoon - distribute the damage. Let me explain. For example, if your co-platoons are low on HP, you should cover them with your carcass so that they are not killed and you do not lose the potential of your platoon.

There is a legend that if you are unlucky for a long time and constantly losing, you can change the server, and everything will pass - you will bend over like in a fairy tale! I personally checked, albeit a few times - the legend WORKS !!! So try it, maybe you will be lucky.

Summing up

What you need to raise account statistics:
  • Well played platoon
  • Nagibator technique - technique on which you are lucky or like to play
  • Work in battles to the maximum
  • Change server when draining
  • Play only if you are in a good mood
That's all for me. I want you to become purple"! I hope the article was useful, it was with you iLetGo, Good luck to you in life, and on the battlefields!

Many players start to think about their statistics over time, but with a lot of fights and FBR, it is very difficult to improve your achievements.

There are several ways to improve the statistics, but with a large number of battles played, this will need to be done regularly.

First you need to understand what a rating is and why it is needed. You can check your rating in the game, in the "Achievements", "Summary" tab.

It is important to keep track of the percentage of victories, since it, one way or another, relates to the rating of the tanker.

In the "Statistics" tab, you can see the detailed characteristics of the player.

You can also view game statistics for each tank.

The Hall of Fame tab will be very useful for a player who wants to raise his stats. In it, you can see how the tanker played over the last 100+ battles and what his average rating is during this time.

These tabs should always be viewed in order to see how effectively the tanker is playing.

After the player has dealt with all the rating indicators, he should follow some tips that will affect the raising of the characteristics.

Personal skill

Skill is a kind of great experience and knowledge of all the nuances of the game.

In order to effectively raise your characteristics, you should immediately forget about research and development branches. You always need to take the most "imb" tanks.

It's no secret that at the 10th level there is a colorful technique and a very complex gameplay, therefore, with insufficient experience, it is better to play at lower levels.

From levels 6 to 8, there are many great vehicles that will suit every player, regardless of their play style.

It is most effective to play on medium and heavy tanks, since they are able to deal a lot of damage in battle, and this is the main aspect in raising the rating.

It should be noted that the percentage of wins can be very different from the efficiency, so you don’t need to worry about winning, the main thing is to give all your best at 100%.

The efficiency factor will depend entirely on the player, which means that even with drains, you can increase your skill.

Raising statistics is always difficult, but lowering it to record levels is easy.

Immediately it will be necessary to select the best tanks, on which it turns out to shoot the most.

Top-end modules must be installed on the equipment, and consumables, including additional soldering, must be brought with them.

The crew must be and have the necessary skills. These conditions will directly affect the performance improvement.

Damage is the main factor in stat boosting, so you will often need to use premium ammo.

Platoon play

Gives the player many privileges. If 3 people play in a platoon, then you can significantly influence the outcome of the battle, even with weak allies.

Of course, when playing in a platoon, it is necessary to have a connection between the platoon members. This will be mainly reflected in the right actions.

Moreover, for a productive game, there is no need to take one class of equipment, but even vice versa.

For example, the 1st player takes a heavy armored tank and heads to the 1st lane. The 2nd player can take a CT or TT with a magazine loading system and help the 1st player, periodically hiding behind his silhouette for the duration of the reload, and the 3rd player can provide fire support while on the 3rd line, hiding in the bushes on any tank destroyer.

There are countless examples of vehicle combinations, the main thing is to use platoon privileges correctly.

Platoon play is useful not only for raising the rating, it also significantly affects the percentage of victories, since at least 1/5 of the team will play smoothly. Playing as a platoon, you can destroy almost the entire enemy team without the participation of allies, the main thing is to use the right tactics.

Currently, you can invite players during the battle. But it is better to know in advance what statistics the player has, so as not to take on a burden. Communication is also important, so if an ally accepted the invitation, but communicates using combat chat, then it is better to remove such a player from the platoon. To write, he will need to be distracted from the game and write in the chat, and this is no longer effective. You should not invite to the platoon in the first seconds of the battle, it is better to take a closer look at each ally and see what position he occupies and how effectively he will start the battle.

Statistics in Word of Tanks is of great importance for those players who want to play in a team and participate in company and clan battles. It is on the percentage of victories and efficiency in the game that attention is drawn when recruiting people into these units. Since when starting to play this game, most of the players did not attach much importance to these figures, then all indicators slipped down. And only now, having gained experience, the players begin to wonder: how to increase the percentage of wins in world of tanks?

Single player game

At the very beginning, you need to clarify that stock vehicles will not be able to help you in this matter, you need to play only on fully pumped tanks. Only in this case you will get the full benefit from the vehicle (speed, damage, penetration), be the most productive in battle and bring the greatest benefit to your team. By the way, not only getting frags is considered useful. The total amount of damage dealt, the exposure of enemy tanks, the capture of the enemy base, or the failure to capture your base also plays a role. Your task is in no case to merge and hold out as long as possible.

Do not rush to despair if there are very few of you left or if you have little health. Even in a seemingly critical situation, you can drink the blood of enemies well. To do this, you must know the advantages and disadvantages of not only your tank, but also the enemy’s equipment. Knowing the tactics of the game on different maps will also help. The main thing is not to rush, sometimes it is better to look at the maneuvers of the enemy before taking any action.

There is another nuance that will allow you to increase the percentage of wins. At the beginning of their career, many players buy different entry-level tanks. For example, just to try for comparison. But at this stage, the skill of the game, as a rule, does not allow you to achieve good results, and all this is reflected in the statistics. Therefore, you need to return to the roots and continue to play on them. Firstly, your financial condition will allow you to immediately take the car to the top, and secondly, in battle at low levels you will meet many newcomers who can be easily destroyed.

What tanks are best to take? Definitely, you can increase the percentage of victories on any vehicle, but the most effective class of vehicles for these tasks is still with a lower level of battles. Install a reindeer gauge and just look at the setups of both teams. It will turn out in 90% of cases that players who enter the random for example on the IS-6 have at least 50% of the battles. For stuffing beautiful statistics, do not hesitate to play at levels 5-6, and sometimes even at 4.

Platoon game

A great opportunity to increase the percentage of wins in the statistics of the game is to play in a platoon. You can either create a platoon yourself, or join someone already created. When creating a platoon, do not put forward requirements for candidates that are much higher than your statistics. The best option is if your team will have your friends who share your aspirations. When creating a platoon, it is better to choose tanks of the same class, preferably other than light tanks, because in this case the likelihood that you will get to higher levels increases. If you all entered the battle together, this does not mean that the three of you will shoot everyone right now. You just need to do one task together. For example, three can easily protect the whole direction and the enemy's attack will bog down. You must agree among yourselves before taking any action. Don't forget to upgrade your crew. Tanks are better to choose level 6 (you will not spend a lot of money) or level 10 (the best technique).

In general, we figured out how to increase the percentage of wins. But remember that the main factor influencing your statistics is not any secrets or an invincible tank, but your playing skill, which will make any tank so.


How to increase the percentage of wins in World of Tanks Blitz? The topic is very important and relevant for many players who would like to know how to do it. Now we'll talk about the basics. What you need to really start raising your win rate. Well, personal advice from me, too, will be.

What is needed to win?

Most importantly, you will need this desire to win, the desire to develop, to think in battle and to benefit your allies. You will also need good initial statistics, which will mean that you generally know the basics of the game and play well. Look at your statistics, if you have less than 48% of wins and a small number of fights, then it's too early for you to think about the percentage of wins. You need to read guides, learn some tricks and tactics of playing on different maps and different types of vehicles. If you have a good understanding of the game, you know the cards well and are more or less versed in tactics, your statistics are not completely bad and you are generally overwhelmed with the desire to develop and increase your win rate, then I will help you. What is needed? Solo you can never have a high percentage of wins. Of course there are exceptions, but these are very rare cases. So to achieve the goal you need a platoon. At the same time, the platoon should be from such people who want to increase the percentage of victories with you. Friends who are obsessed with this idea. Even with not very good statistics, having a partner in a platoon, you will definitely make a high percentage of wins! Of course, not immediately, but over time you will learn to play together, you will win and achieve everything!

You probably ask: "what now you can't play solo at all?" No, of course, you can still do it, though most of the battles you should conduct with a platoon. When playing solo, remember that your win percentage per session or six fights should not fall below a critical point (your overall win percentage). If the total percentage is 50, and 30 came out for the session, you yourself understand that there is no point in playing further. It is necessary to either stop or change equipment, look for a platoon. You can't continue to merge. But what if you don’t have good playing friends and don’t even have any suggestions where to get them? I can offer you to look for such people in the battles themselves, if you notice that a player shows himself well in battle, then do not be afraid to write to him after the battle in the chat and add him as a friend, maybe he also needs a person with whom he could win more often. In general, look for players who are similar to you with a desire to bend over, win, play in a team and increase the percentage of wins. And I'm sure you'll get better with time.

What tanks are better to choose for playing in a platoon?

Many players download one particular branch of technology, pump it up to level 10, and immediately begin to download another branch. Thus, it is unlikely to have a high percentage of wins. Constantly playing on stock vehicles, you are unlikely to find a good platoon player playing on the same stock vehicle. Your efficiency seriously drops and the percentage of wins too. Of course, you can upgrade new vehicles, but if you are still serious about improving your statistics, you need to choose a certain level, a tank, and constantly play on it. You will study the tank thoroughly, understand all its good and bad sides, upgrade the crew, install all the equipment. Thus, having fully understood one machine, you can start bending. The tank should be good in its time.

What tanks are considered nagibatorsky?

Already a long time ago there was a certain opinion about each tank, many tanks are considered to be nagibator, others not so much. Remember, every opinion is subjective. Think your way. The same tank in different hands can kill everything that moves, or die in the first minute of the battle without breaking through a single target. From the sixth levels, I advise you to take the Hellcat, KV-1S. At level 7, you can choose from T29, IP. From 10 levels Т110Е5, IS-7. In general, choose the tank that you like, on which you play best. Platoon comrades should also play on good vehicles with all modules and equipment, by no means stock! The crew must be top notch. This way you will get the maximum effect from the platoon, getting on stock players who are just pumping the next branch. To play in a platoon, you should choose tanks that are similar in style of play - all on medium, tank destroyers or heavy. It will be easy to interact with each other in combat. It is also worth noting that tanks of levels 7,8,9 very often fall into the bottom of the list. This is very sad. Choose tanks of the 6th level, or the 10th. Premium cars of level 8 and below (Valentine II, Matilda IV, etc.) will also work well. Moreover, if you do not have a premium account and premium vehicles, you should pay attention to tanks of level 5.6 because of their good farming abilities, you will not go minus silver, and this is very important.

How do you win anyway?

First, play very carefully. Do not think that since you are in a platoon, you need to press and attack all the time. At the beginning of the battle, take a defensive position and wait for the enemy to act. You have probably noticed that the extras play extremely carefully, they are in no hurry and often sit on the defensive. And it's not just that. The cost of a mistake may be too high. You will go somewhere, and you will simply be taken apart for scrap. So think 500 times before going anywhere. If you are confident in your abilities, know what and how to do - the flag is in your hands. Well, if not, you better wait. No one is driving forward, coordinate your actions with the platoon, negotiate. Ideal when you have a voice connection. So much easier, faster and more convenient. Many players rely heavily on luck. You shouldn't rely on luck in World of Tanks Blitz, everything depends on you and the great Belarusian random house! Try to drag yourself and in a platoon. Two people from the top seriously affect the outcome of the battle. Even if you are at the bottom, do your best to win and then you will win. The main thing is not to lose heart, be tuned to a good result! Analyze every loss, your strategy, technique, survival.
Good luck on the battlefield!

→ What do percentages mean in world of tanks

In the game world of tanks, the percentage of wins is the subject of endless debate. Someone claims that the percentage of wins means nothing. Other players attach great importance to the percentage of victories in battles in wot.

There are different percentages of world of tanks. Let's briefly discuss each of them.

Percentage of wins. This concept has firmly entered the terms of world of tanks. No matter how much the players prove that it is impossible to get a good percentage of wins for wot alone in a random house, few people listen to their opinions. Without a high percentage of wins, it is almost impossible to get into a good clan. For example, the clans of the world of tanks set their threshold in the world of tanks percentage of victories required to join their ranks. For some, it is quite feasible - 50%, for more serious clans, the bar starts from 53 and 55% of victories. Top clans that own lands on the global map may have a request for a percentage of victories of 60%.

It is important to find out how the candidate prefers to play - in companies or in random battles. In a platoon or alone. Does he level himself or use the purchase of gold and free experience. Most often, a very high percentage of victories in wot battles (58-60% and above) have permanent members of good companies. But the percentage of victories of such a player can only mean that his company has a good commander, and the player himself knows how to listen to commands. It often happens that in random battles such players show a complete inability to fight normally without the usual orders of the commander, that is, to think with their own heads.

If the percentage of world of tanks victories for a player is filled exclusively in random battles and is 55% or more, he has good rewards in wot, then it is generally accepted that he is a smart and enterprising player who can make independent and correct decisions in a short time. But this view also has a downside: such a player in the company may consider himself an independent fighter and poorly follow the orders of the company commander. In this case, he will let the team down, and it is better to replace him with a fighter who has poor world of tanks interest, but who will obediently follow orders.

But most often there are players who are equally successful in random battles and in companies, and also have numerous wot awards. And such a fighter for the clan is a real find, which will significantly strengthen the team.

The percentage of lesions and the percentage of survival. These metrics get the least attention. The percentage of defeats is only important when it exceeds by wot the percentage of victories in the battle. This means that the player is most likely either very unlucky or completely unable to play.

Hit percentage. This indicator also causes a lot of controversy. In world of tanks, hit percentages are considered one of the parameters by which one can judge the effectiveness of a player in battle. However, many players like to shoot "for luck." Especially if the tank’s gun has a fast reload and a lot of shells, then it’s a sin not to shoot on the move at a distant target. You miss - well, okay. But sometimes such crazy shots cause damage, and in battle it is important to use every opportunity to take as many hits as possible to the enemy.

The "Sniper" award is strongly related to the percentage of hits in wot. If, despite the low percentage of hitting, a player has a lot of "snipers", then you can be sure that if necessary, this player will hit 9 times out of 10.