Proverbs feeds and laziness spoils. An essay on the topic “Labor feeds, but laziness spoils”, “The earth is painted by the sun, and labor is a person. Essays by topic

Folk wisdom has always been a "textbook" of the life of Russian people. The proverb “Laziness spoils, but labor feeds” did not stand aside. Let's take a closer look at this phrase. Perhaps it will come in handy in life in the most desperate moments, at the time of being discouraged and depressed. In addition, if a person overcomes both laziness and work, he will be able to look at life with different eyes. No wonder the Holy Scripture says that laziness completely spoils it.

What is laziness, what is work?

Laziness is the unwillingness to work mentally or physically. For example, a student tells his parents: "I'm too lazy to write an essay!". On the other hand, let's say the wife lies on the sofa with the thought: "Too lazy to cook dinner!". What will be the mood of her life partner if, when he comes home, he finds that there is no food? In this case, laziness spoils his wife.

And labor feeds a person (in the example with his wife). If a woman wants to cook a delicious meal, then she will feed not only her husband, but also herself and her children. The same with a student: if he writes an essay through “I don’t want to”, then he will go to bed with a calm soul and in a good mood.

Thus, labor is physical or mental work leading to the final result. As a result, a person's life changes for the better.

What will happen to a person if he is lazy?

It is very important to understand what laziness can lead to. Surely many of you have noticed that no one respects a lazy person. Yes, and he practically does not love himself (although it seems to him the opposite).

In addition, a lazy person’s home is unkempt, the person himself can be sloppy. It is immediately clear that laziness spoils a person. And labor feeds the one who is ready to step over the desire to take a break from all business.

The character and mood of the lazy

As a rule, laziness leads to despondency, depression and loss of meaning in life. A person day after day spends time in dreams, languishes before his eyes and even falls ill. It is not by chance that the proverb "Laziness spoils, but labor feeds" was invented. Indeed, it spoils a person first of all from the inside. The lazy person is not satisfied with his life, it seems to him that fate is not favorable to him.

What will happen to the industrious?

If a lazy person started to work, then his life would change overnight. For example, a person constantly lies on the couch, doing nothing. A lot of dust has accumulated in the room, the refrigerator is empty. In order for at least something to change for the better, you need to get up, go to the grocery store, wash the floors, wipe the dust. In this case, the person himself will understand that laziness spoils, the work of a person feeds, pleases, gives hope for a better and good mood.

The character and outlook of the working man

An industrious person does not get tired of any work, both mental and physical. Having done the necessary things, he goes to sleep with a clear conscience. Every day he makes plans for the day, fulfills them, training willpower. Accordingly, such a person always has a good mood, there are goals and aspirations. He has everything, everything you need for well-being.

In addition, they always turn to him for help, everyone respects him. And also the industrious person receives much more blessings and wealth in life than he expects.

How to overcome laziness?

You know that laziness spoils, and labor feeds, but still you don’t want to do anything. How to proceed? It is advisable to remember the moments from your life when the work done brought joy. Usually in such cases there is a stimulus.

In general, in order to do a good deed, you need to overpower yourself, step over laziness. No wonder in the Orthodox Church laziness is considered a sin. He must be fought with. If you can’t cope on your own, you should ask God for help.

We wish you to have a love for work, a good mood, and that you achieve your goals, which are embodied only through hard work and the desire to do good.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989

See what "Work feeds a person, but laziness spoils." in other dictionaries:

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  • Inventions. Fairy tales. Puzzles. Sayings. Tongue twisters, Folk art. Our unique program "Fun" will help you spend unforgettable hours of play with your child with benefit and fun. He will teach you the right sayings and proverbs about the Motherland and friendship, work and study.…

Every morning people start from work. The student sits at a desk, the driver climbs into the cab, the worker stands at the machine. The student takes the book, because reading is also work. An office worker turns on a computer, a businessman makes a phone call, a housewife lights a stove, and a fisherman goes out to sea. Nobody is left idle. This is because labor is a natural occupation of man.

Labor provides a livelihood. Everything that a person has achieved, he has achieved through work. Cozy houses, beautiful clothes, delicious food, interesting entertainment - all these are the fruits of

human labor.

In addition, it is not in vain that they say that work ennobles a person. This, of course, should be work for the soul, which brings joy. A person who works, feels cheerful and energetic, looks fit. “The earth is painted by the sun, and man's work” - such a saying goes among the people.

In a hardworking person, abilities and talents do not go to waste. She gains the authority and respect of others. "A man is glorious by work" - so they say about it.

An active person is easy to distinguish from a lazy one. Since it is unnatural for a person to do nothing, the lazy and idle

Can't find a place. He will be bored and “kill time”. He even gets tired of having fun someday.

The works of Russian classics describe nobles who did not need to work, but they did not become happier because of this. They didn't know where to apply themselves. “Where there is work, there is joy,” says the proverb, and the idler is deprived of this joy.

Let each of us find a job that suits him, and then his personality will develop.

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Essays on topics:

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“The work of a person feeds, but ... spoils” (proverb)

Alternative descriptions

Lethargy, apathy

Voluntary prison

Daughter of wealth and mother of poverty

What vice partially neutralizes other vices?

The mother who was born before her time

Unwillingness to work, the mother of vices

One of the seven deadly sins

One of the ways of survival for a Russian person

She was born before us

Propensity to idleness

Character trait, human condition

mother of vices

J.K. Jerome wrote that only those who have a bunch of absolutely urgent things to really enjoy can truly enjoy it.

Panacea for all cases

According to Russian proverbs, she dine without salt, she won’t lead to good, she made a nest in her bosom, she froze lying on the stove

. "... the peasant does not feed" (proverb)

The habit of rest before fatigue

Vice parasite

Tendency to parasitism

Sweet feeling of being slightly tired before work


. "mother" of the loafer

Oblomov vice

Mother who was born before us

. "... the man does not feed"


Engine of progress

Sofa bed feeling of idleness

. "mother" of all couch potatoes

The main feature of couch potatoes


Vice Emelya

Unwillingness to do something

. "everyone would like to know how to win... without getting out of bed"

. "mother" of any loafer

Reluctant mood

Craving for idleness

Aversion to work (according to Dahl)

Vice of the slacker

Propensity to idleness

Lethargy, apathy, lack of desire to act, work

. "... the man does not feed"

. "... does not feed the peasant" (last)

. "... the peasant does not feed" (proverb)

. "Mother" of the idler

. "Mother" of all couch potatoes

. "Mother" of any loafer

. "The work of a person feeds, but ... spoils" (proverb)

G. reluctance to work, aversion from work, from business, occupations; inclination to idleness, to parasitism. adv. the property or quality it is in action; I don't want to, I'm lazy. Laziness (personification), shut the door, you will freeze! I'm lazy, lazy, reluctant. Laziness, lying on the stove, froze. Laziness protects clothes, without working, you don’t wear clothes. If it were not for laziness, we would all walk in velvet! Laziness will not do good. Leo takes care of himself. Laziness was born before us. Sloth slurps without salt. Bubbled from laziness (swollen). After bread, after salt, rest for an hour, so a piece of bacon and a bag of laziness will be wrapped. Sleep came from seven villages, laziness came from seven villages. Too lazy and too lazy to take a spoon, and not too lazy to dine. Laziness, open the door, you'll burn! Even if I burn, I won't open it. Laziness is driven out from under the wheels. Who is not lazy, so listen to how they lie. Lentz will diminish. sloth increased. Takes his laziness. Horse with lance. Sloth overcame them. The horse with the laziness of the owner protects, does not overstrain and does not introduce him to a loss. Lazy, lazy sowing. indulged in laziness, who is too lazy to work; indecent, idle; negligent; sluggish, sluggish, sluggish. The lazy always have a holiday. Lazy that rich: everything walks. Who is lazy, he is sleepy. Lazy sitting sleeping, lying down working. It's good to send the lazy to death. The lazy one does not hurt in the ridge. Lazy for dinner, zealous for work, one lazy one does not beat him. The lazy one is always (zavse) a holiday. You will send the lazy one, you will wake up the sleepy one, but you will not reach the dead one (and never the dead one). I’ll reach the lazy one, I’ll get the drowsy one, but I won’t get rid of the fool (I won’t cope with the fool). Lazy step, slow. Lazy cabbage soup made from fresh whole cabbage. Sloth lazy property. Lazy, prone to laziness, from her happening. Lazy man, life. Laziness laziness, but in the abstract meaning. obsolete laziness cf. laziness and laziness, as a permanent property; idleness, ordinary parasitism. Lazy, lazy, lazy. red day to spin lenno. See shedding. Lazy, lazy to a lesser extent. It would be nice guy, but lazy. Lennost, -vatost, property, quality sign. adj. Sloth, like a prank, can be accidental and temporary; laziness, like playfulness, is more permanent. Lenivets m. -vica railway lazy m. lengas arch. lenchug hard. a lazy person, an idle, parasite, running away from work and work; sluggish, bad worker. Lazy and shalapay two brothers. Sloth, animal Bradipus, sluggard, ai. Lenivitsa Vologda. lazy perm. a wide board from the floor to the stove; east a wide bench by the stove, where the sick lie; it replaces the golbets; couch; sib. a ledge of the coast, in the form of a stove bench, a crown surrounding the lowland. Leno(u)ha vol. vlad. pitches. sloth, bench by the stove. Lenivishcha vol. lazy to the highest degree, lazybones. Lenushka hard. psk. stove bench, golbets, counter by the stove, for rest. To lazy someone, used. with prev. from, about, to induce laziness. Be lazy, be lazy, be lazy. I'm afraid to send a serf, but I'm too lazy to go myself. Do not be lazy, he would be so businesslike. He was lazy, lazy and got to work. Tired utterly. Something I got lazy. Completely pissed off. Got lazy. He got lazy. Got a little lazy. Lazy a little. All of you have been lazy, lazy all summer. Lazy and flabby. To be lazy, to be lazy, to roam, to stagger, to loiter. Laziness cf. laziness, idleness

M. ural. fish, probably tench

She was born before us

Emelya's negligence

. "... does not feed the peasant" (last)

Abstract of the lesson in the senior group

"Work feeds a person, but laziness spoils."


1. Enrich the idea of ​​people of different professions, their moral qualities. Develop independence in games.

2. To cultivate respect for adults, a value attitude towards human labor.

Materials: demonstration pictures depicting people of different professions; schemes for compiling descriptive stories; ball; a flag, items for an organizational moment - scissors, a hair dryer, a ladle, a saucepan, scissors, threads with a needle, a brush, paints, a thermometer, a syringe, a spatula, sweets, scales, a guitar, a pipe.

Previous work:

Conversations "Professions of our mothers", "Professions of our fathers", "What I dream of becoming."

Lesson progress:

1. Greeting.

2. Conversation.

Teacher: What is the name of our country?

Children: Russia.

Educator: What can be said about our country?

Children: Rich, beautiful, big.

Educator: Who makes our country big, beautiful, rich?

Children: People of labor, people of different professions.

Educator: What is a profession?

Children: This is the main occupation of a person, his labor activity.

Educator: What do you need to get a profession?

Children: Study well, know and be able to do a lot, finish school, special educational institution

Educator: Today we will go on a journey through the "city of professions". To get to the "city of professions" we need to complete the task for attention.

Attention game "Who will name more professions"

(game with a flag in a circle)

Educator: Well done, you coped with the task. And now let's go to the "city of professions":

3. Physical education: "Pilot"

Being a driver is good (running in circles, “ruling”)

And a better pilot. (running in a circle, hands to the sides)

I would go to the pilots

Let me be taught.

I pour gasoline into the tank, (stop, "pour")

I start the propeller: (circular movements with the right hand)

“Take the motor to heaven, (run in a circle, hands to the sides).

For the birds to sing."

Educator: Our planes have landed. So we ended up in the "city of professions"!

The game "To whom what ..."

Various objects lie on the table (hammer, scissors, needle and thread, ladle ...)

Teacher: Look, what a mess! Someone left items.

Who needs these items? (People of different professions). Name them, what they are for and put them to the desired picture. (Hairdresser, cook, seamstress, artist, doctor, seller, musician).

Educator: I think who left the scissors? And what is the object for? etc.

Children take turns taking objects, calling who needs them, laying them out near pictures with professions.

Educator: Well done, you helped put things in order in the "city of professions", gave items to those who need them in their work.

Educator: And now I propose to playgame "What happens if ..."

Will chefs stop cooking food?

Doctors stop treating people?

Will teachers stop teaching kids?

Will builders stop building houses?

Will all drivers refuse to drive?

Will the cops stop showing up?

4. Drawing up a descriptive story about the professions of people according to the scheme.

Teacher: Do you like riddles? Then guess mine:

Daily early in the morning

In his hands he takes the "steering wheel"

Twisting, twirling this way and that,

But he won't eat it.

Educator: I would like to listen to your riddles - descriptions of different professions. And to complete this task, you need to divide into groups (of three people). Go to your tables. (Children sit at the tables).

Educator: Guys, you have pictures on your tables depicting people of different professions. You need to tell about the profession without naming it, and we must guess what profession you told us about. And to make the story accurate and complete, you can use a plan. Educator: Let's remember what the pictures on the diagram mean:

1. Hand - what does a person of this profession do.

2. Geometric shapes - what items does he need for work.

3. Heart - what qualities a person of this profession should have.

Sample story: This man cuts people's hair and gives them nice trendy hair. For work, he needs: scissors, combs, hair dryer, curlers, perfume. He must be attentive, polite, accurate.

Children's own stories.

Educator: Well done, well done. I really enjoyed your stories.

5. Consideration of the manual “What did the artist mix up?”

Educator: While we were playing, the Cheerful artist came to us, he brought you a picture that depicts people of different professions. But it seems to me that something is wrong with this picture?

Let's explain what the artist got confused. (children's answers)

6. Proverbs about work.

Educator: Well done guys! Did you enjoy our trip? What do you remember more?

Do not forget that all professions are important, all professions are needed.

Let's rememberlabor sayings.(Children answer)

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.

He who knows how to work is not afraid of work.

Patience and a little effort.

You can't even take a fish out of the pond without effort.

Whoever loves to work cannot sit idle.

Work feeds, and laziness spoils.